Hao Ren’s relationship with Zhao Yanzi was very close. The chairman of the group, Zhao Guang also treated Hao Ren like a son-in-law in training; it had become an open secret within Mingye Group. Even once, an older general manager inadvertently mentioned that Hao Ren and Zhao Yanzi had already completed their engagement during conversation, so Zhou Liren, who was both a project manager at the company and an old classmate of Hao Ren’s, naturally knew about this.,“Haha, both are equally beautiful,” Su Han didn’t fall into Zhao Yanzi's trap and answered immediately.,However, Zhen Fei didn't know whether Duanyao's feelings for Hao Ren would change in another ten or fifteen years... She was determined that as the only disciple’s master, she must ensure her happiness.。