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  • A Smooth Path in Med
  • author: Zang Fusheng renew: 2024-08-29
  • state: Serialized
  • Back in the early 2000s, food delivery wasn't as prevalent. Whenever there was a gambling game, Zhang Fan would carry instant noodles to sell. He knew which dormitory had gambling games at school.,After Zhang Fan came on stage, he slowly played a few hands and observed the other players. He got a general idea in his mind.,Over the past twenty years, I've finally managed to scrape together enough money for tuition. Zhang Fan took a wad of cash and paid his tuition, looking at the receipt in his hand, Zhang Fan had a feeling of MMP. He spent all year working hard just to make enough money for tuition and living expenses. To take a shortcut, he just casually made up the amount.。

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