Wei Wuyue thought about it. When Lan Qiren saw him in the shape of a candle that was about to cause a heart attack, he gasped much more at ordinary times, so he had better behave and teach him to be out of sight and out of mind.,the girl didn't know what to do. Finally, she nodded. Wei Wuyan took out a radish and the two squatted down on the grass together. The little apple put his head into the basket and rummaged through it, but did not find the apple, so he reluctantly came out with a carrot and gnawed it.,the girl said, "No." I only recently came to feed... When Han Guangjun was around, he was taken care of by Han Guangjun. He's not here. Lance is chasing the Childe to look after them. If they're not here, let's take a look. "。