As he parted the tangled weeds once more, he inadvertently caught sight of a distant hill. At its peak, stood a monstrous beast with its back to the setting sun. Its silhouette was hazy and indistinct, but its twin eyes radiated an eerie glow, locking onto his gaze from afar.,Then Jing Yang turned his head and saw a patch of gray wolf tail poking out from the grass, less than half a meter from his face.,Jing Yang gritted his teeth secretly. This strange ability seemed to consume "Mana" only at the moment of its formal activation! And he, with his slender arms and legs, could barely hold on to the Mana bar. Successfully controlling a wolf was already a stroke of luck in itself. He simply didn't have the energy to control a second one… Thinking this way, the enemy wolf let out a desperate struggle. Jing Yang didn't have time to think too much. His eyes turned red with rage as he controlled the wild wolf and bit down. Its sharp teeth pierced through the enemy wolf's trachea, blood gurgling out with each convulsion of its body.。